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Complaint Form

For any enquiries regarding the Complaint Form, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: Kanika Enaerios Complex - Block 1 Iris House 8C, John Kennedy Street 3724, Limassol – Republic of Cyprus - Phone: +357 (25) 270 000 - Telefax: +357 (25) 581 643 – E-mail: sba.cyprus@eblf-sbacyprus.com

Please give us your details
Full Name *
Surname *
I.D/Passport Number *
Address *
Post Code
Email *
Country *
City *
Telephone Number *
If the complaint is made by a company please give us the company details
Company Name
Registration Number
Post Code
Telephone Number
Contact Authorized Person
If you have asked someone to represent you or your company please give us their details
Full Name/Surname
The capacity in which they are acting
Address including Postcode
Contact Authorized Person
Telephone Number
Please tell us what your complaint is about
Please explain in as much detail as possible what your complaint is about, including the date range(s) to which your complaint relates. If you require more space to detail your complaint, please use as many additional pages as you need on a separate document and attach it below to the Complaint Form.
Please also attach any documentary evidence in support of your complaint.
Documents attached (if any)
Please name each document related to your complaint and attach it to the Complaint Form.
Allowed file types: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.jpg,.png.

By continuing in the request, I am aware that the personal data provided in this form will be processed by Banque SBA for the purpose of:

Handling the submitted complaint, to the extent of the information provided by me and for a period necessary for the processing of my request;

I am fully aware of Banque SBA Personal Data Protection Policy which is posted on the website of Banque SBA: https://www.banque-sba.com/Library/Files/privacypolicysba-original-UK040719.pdf. In addition, I am aware about my rights in respect to my personal data.

I hereby declare that I freely, expressly, specifically and knowingly consent to the processing of the aforementioned data by Banque SBA.

I further declare that all information given above is true and correct.
* Required Fields
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